Written Down In Stars by Cyrille The Angel or The Pleasure of A Starry Night

Photo taken by Cyrille The Angel

Many songs have been written about Love and many have tried to explore the feelings the two persons involved share. There are countless of them if you ask me. But none of them has tried to contemplate The Pleasure of a Starry Night.

It is cold right now as I am writing down this Article. I put the song on repeat. I got my headphones on my ears, volume well balanced. The Piano is intriguing. The Whole instrumental is just evading you in another level and Cyrille The Angel’s transcending is on another level. We had a long talk with Cyrille The Angel about The Song and here is the Interview:

About The Transcend: Good evening Cyrille The Angel! How are you?

Cyrille The Angel: I am good and you?

About The Transcend: I am really fine. This evening we will talk about A song very powerful on This Album Nzila Mule: Written Down In Stars. Tell me, do you only make songs when you are inspired? Or…

Cyrille The Angel: Well, it is difficult to say. It depends but I always make an effort to stay inspired and live my Life at his fullest potential. It is difficult to say yes or no because I can be stupid sometime.

About The Transcend: Like that Joke you made about performing at Liv Miami… lol.

Cyrille The Angel: Lol.

About The Transcend: I will write about it later. But can you tell us the Inspiration about The Instrumental of this song? Please, tell us…

Cyrille The Angel: I don’t remember well but It was I think in 2017, august 2017. And I slept and I dreamed I was at the parking of a shopping centre not far from where I live and someone was singing a song. She was singing it in Portuguese. I felt the accent and words. I couldn’t get it but I only memorised the melody. And it is the Melody we have of the piano playing on the instrumental.

About The Transcend: Why such Charms? I am deeply charmed.

Cyrille The Angel: Lol. Well, this is Transcend Music and we are trying at our best to express the feeling buried in our being: Love. The Charm is from the inspiration and when I made the instrumental I made sure that the piano be deep and the violin really resonating. I think I achieved something here.

About The Transcend: On The Song, you’re trying to convince your woman that the Love you share with her is true. Why didn’t you say that it is simply true? Why say that it is written down in stars?

Cyrille The Angel: Well, when I finished the instrumental, I called it Written Down In Stars because it had that feeling on it. It had that Power. When writing the song, I decided to be a bit real and a bit poetical. Look… the instrumental asked for something really unconventional and that’s what I did.

About The Transcend: Yup. The Song is really unconventional. How would you grade it on This Musical Genre Transcend? Is it The Archetype song of The Musical genre Transcend?

Cyrille The Angel: No. No. I think it is one of the most innovative song on this Musical Genre Transcend but we still have a long road to go. Saxayah has still more to offer. It is too soon to call it The Archetype Song of The Musical Genre Transcend. But it is something really deep and I am really happy to have achieved it.

About The Transcend: The performance is incredible. What is your secret to always produce such performance?

Cyrille The Angel: There is no secret. Just make sure that you are happy with what you did or people feel you. There is no secret. I have none.

About The Transcend: Can Love be Written Down In Stars?

Cyrille The Angel: When I say Written Down In Stars, I just mean that it is destined to be. And on the song I tried to give that Power so that you understand that Our Love is Stronger and there is nothing you can do about it.

About The Transcend: What was the best part when recording the song? What was it?

Cyrille The Angel: The best part was when I was transcending my rap. I had lot of difficulty to transcend. But the transcended rap came just like that.

About The Transcend: Lol. I see. What will you tell our Reader this Evening?

Cyrille The Angel: Please, Go now and buy the Album Nzila Mule on www.ndulemart.com. Here is the link to access it directly: http://ndulemart.com/en/home/70-cyrille-the-angel-nzila-mule.html

I will advise that you buy the whole Album and listen to each track in order. But if you can’t now, you can buy the song Written Down In Stars and enjoy it now.

About The Transcend: Sure. Thank you for the Talk.

Cyrille The Angel: It is me who thanks you.

The beauty of a Starry Night is that it leaves you in such contemplation that you might drown on it. I marvel to what The Almighty has created. And what is the feeling of a sky without stars? This song had me dancing among The Stars and it is for the first time I ever experienced such feeling.

But, please go and discover it for yourself.

Thanks for the Attention.


By About The Transcend,

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